Friday, April 30, 2010


to mel over at and for featuring us TWICE! seriously, how cool is that? check out what mel had to say about our project over here:



thanks again, mel!!!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

so a little birdy told us

(actually, it was carli)

that she went over to her friends place and saw the first HOPE up in her awesome!

37: FREE LOVE - carli

i love the letters on this piece!

36: JUST BE - carli

art + hookah + indian food + carli ... always a good time!

Monday, April 26, 2010

35: UNNAMED 2/2 - rye

this half went up in vernon with a note on the back that says (to see the other half go to that was the end of vernon for this trip.

34: HAPPINESS - derek

on a fence near a train yard in vernon.

33: PRAY - derek

we put this up in westwold today at one of my most favourite churches in the world (that i have never been inside).

32: UNNAMED 1/2 - rye

i don't have a name for this piece. i never intended for these pieces to go together until i put them side by side and started drawing. this half went up in kamloops with a note on the back that says (to see the other half go to that was the end of kamloops for this trip.

31: PRAY - derek

sweet and simple.

30: GREED - derek

this is probably my most favourite piece that we have put up! derek is so talented. i really wanted to keep this one.

29: TV - derek

put up in kamloops at a different park. a lady across the street watched us put these pieces up and by the time we had circled the block to check them out she was staring out her window on the phone with the cops trying to have us arrested. well no, i don't know who she was talking to.

28: LIES / TRUST - derek

put up in kamloops on a park fence near my sister's house.

26: SMILE - derek

the last piece we put up in logan lake - it went up at my old elementary school. we didn't get a super good photo of it up close because it was high up and soooooo freezing cold...

25: HOPE! - derek

derek put this one up on a park fence

24: TRY - derek

also put up at the high school

23: KILL YOUR TV - derek

also put up at the high school

22: LOVE YOURSELF! - rye

while at my mom's house we made a bunch of art and put it up in various places around town and on the way home. we put this up at my old high school.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


my very good friend sarah featured us on her blog! check it out here! while you're over there be sure to check out the rest of sarah's inspirational blog! she might even have a contest running...

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

PEACE - rye

did this one while watching a john candy film.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

on my way to get a slush

which i need to stop buying every day or else i am going to be fatter for summer, not thinner like i had originally planned, i noticed that NEIGHBOUR is gone. w00t!

we're going to my mom's next week for my birthday so we'll be putting art up in my hometown. bangin!

INDIELIFE shout out!

my friend april over at INDIELIFE blogged about our project! check it out

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

well that was quick!

everything on the fence besides CREATE, NEIGHBOUR, SHALOM and EVERYTHING THAT BEGINS WITH M was taken between around 3pm and 6pm! we both freaked out (in a happy, good way) a little bit when we drove by! i bought some more paint.

the fence as of april 13


this one took me a few days.

20: YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL - candace

19: DREAM BIG - candace

our awesome friend candace lives in our neighbourhood but we never hang honestly i forgot that she lived so close, i thought she was still in westbank...we've known each other for over 6 years and used to hang out in edmonton. we've decided that we should most definitely start hanging out more.

18: SHALOM - derek

i really, really, really like this


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